
Natural Capital

Our mission is to leave the land materially better than how we found it. We do this through:

‘Climate smart farming’ – adapting to a changing climate

Enhancing soil health

Conservation of our water resources

Managing greenhouse gas emissions

Waste and material management

Conservation of biodiversity

In Numbers


brought into no-till farming


of bio-conservation set aside


soil pits dug to inform soil regeneration strategies


of irrigation drip tube installed


tube and tape recycled


treated pine posts repurposed


wire recycled


rubber tyres recycled


concrete recycled

*current and realised


We take a best-practice farming approach in order to support and enhance the sustainability and productivity of our operations.

We grow with purpose

No Till

We implement no-till farming practices in order to promote soil carbon, enhance soil structure and increase the overall efficiency and sustainability of our farming systems.

Avoided Burn

We seek to avoid burning crop residues in order to conserve carbon and nutrients and improve soil biology.

Soil Amelioration

Significant investments have been made to improve soil health and productivity across our properties. We carry out extensive soil surveying to inform ongoing soil amelioration strategies.

Water Management

Our systems use highly efficient irrigation technologies, including subsoil drip irrigation. We also capture and reuse drainage water on-farm.


Plains-Wanderer Bird Species

We maintain a conservation covenant to provide habitat for endangered plains-wanderer bird species

Feral Animal Control

We actively manage feral animal populations including feral goats in order to in order to promote remnent vegetation regrowth and to optimise crop production.

Groundwater Management

Our groundwater extraction is regulated and recorded to ensure sustainable aquifer recharge.

Carbon Accounting

Implementing carbon accounting across our assets will allow us to track our greenhouse gas emissions.

Once complete, we will be able to identify areas for improvement, enhance operational efficiencies and ultimately reduce our carbon footprint.
Our best-practice farming approach naturally supports reduced emissions, through:

Other Carbon Initiatives

  • No-till farming across 20,000ha to preserve soil structure and maintain carbon stores
  • Planting over 2 million almond trees that sequester carbon
  • Preserving approximately 15,000ha of native conservation area
  • Investing in modern AgTech to reduce herbicide usage
  • Using soil testing and Precision Ag techniques to reduce crop inputs and improve soil health